Tuesday 30 December 2014


My holidays as always , greeted by the fog, are a pain in the ass. The sleeting cold for us middle east folks, is not walk in a park. Open full ventilated houses with no warmers whatsoever except little gas heaters are our only salvation in this onslaught.And even gas nowadays is a rare find.The only solution i can think of is go dormant like a polar bear.No kidding, but alas even that is not a viable option. All we can do is to clench our teeth and wear as much clothes as we can, result , you end up looking like a bear.Its all about survival not fun and games.
Even the fog is one of those that makes us think twice.Actually its the not the fog but the disappearance that is worst of them all.One moment you are just standing there and the next you find yourself face to face with a two legged creature.No matter how hard you try some accidents are bound to happen followed by a jumble of swearing and pain.Even in the midst of all this you will be fine if you just don't bump in to the lights.Yes, its the lights that you need to watch out for,the two bright lights.If you get hit with those then alas ,there is no coming back.If you survive by a miracle, that is good, my guess you wont be going out again any time soon.Yup the fog is that bad you cant even tell which one is your right arm.
I am not kidding let me paint you guys a picture. Imagine yourself sleeping in your cozy little divine bed and eventually you have to get up, do your hair ,dress up , eat breakfast.Its time to go out for whatever reason. Here is where the ordeal starts. You open the door. and you are greeted by a gust of strong wind piercing right through you.Now you look sideways but all you can see is misty white clouds falling on one another.You force yourself to move on , step forward and start walking. You are trying to find your parked vehicle, and if by mistake you get on the road then your very life is in danger.
"You guys might be thinking that i am going a little overboard, but its all true you cant save yourself from the wrath of the van nor the bus, these drivers they dont follow any rules. Its every man for himself in this concrete jungle, no red lights no zebra crossing can save you if you get in their way."

Your everyday life hangs in balance as you venture out but for us its all part of our lives now , we are accustomed to it. My advice if you ever get stuck in the fog in this part of the world,watch out for the bright lights , never stay on the road and your eyes on the path.

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