Saturday 10 January 2015

Hitch Hiking To Riches

Lets Hitch Hike To Riches Part 1

If you are reading this article then no doubt you are searching for ways to get rich, well dont we all.I am not going to tell some fairytale saying that you can get rich by singing up, doing posts, or going to a website and purchasing book or a program and walla you are rich guy , nope.
I will be just doing the basic logical analysis and showing you the way to get your riches.
Well heres the nice part if you do succeed in understanding then your life might just turn for the better.
Are you with me? Ok Lets move on 
Let us analyse and see it more objectively

What is riches?

It is the "Total amount of wealth" one can say. 

How much riches would you settle for?What is your destination?

If you are going on a journey you should at least know your destination like when you leave your house you know what did you leave for and where you are headed ? right
In other words you know your destination and purpose. So i am asking you Where would you like to see yourself (monetarily)? yup your destination , answer it as honestly as possible, i am not talking about what would you do with your wealth.
In some interviews I asked a similar question and got a very interesting answers but oddly they were all different. Some people said

  • So much money that i can buy whatever, whenever i want to
  • So much riches that i can buy my own personal jet
The most interesting answer that had me charmed was 
  • I want the whole country, ya, i want it, i want to buy it all.

That sounds just ridiculous but nonetheless a remarkable wish and why shouldn't it be.If you wish for something then why not make it a big one while you are at it.

Wish Or A Dream

Do you see now that everyone has a different definition?Its all dependent upon environmental exposure. For instance if a boy was born and raised with a silver spoon in his mouth then would he crave for a big house, no , because he already owns it.
Now its your turn, to come up with your very own unique answer.Do you have it good.Now that you have your answer,that is your destination, ask yourself do you really want it.If you really do then the question becomes how to achieve it. 
Sally Nicholls said"There is no point in having wishes if you don't at least try to do them"

Deb Caletti said“I've wished for things and never really had the chance...It's time to stop dreaming and do something about it. You've got to know what you want, then...go.”  


But the question remains how to turn your dreams to reality?
Opran Winfrey said "The biggest adventure you can take is  to live the life of your dreams"
 As long you want something its a just a wish, but when you work for it, struggle to achieve it then it becomes more than just a mere wish, yes it becomes your dream.
Now you dream, dream of achieving your goals.
You can either sit back and just keep on wishing or you can kick it up a knotch and start working your ass off to get what you want, no harm in trying right.At least its better than doing nothing.
But dreams don't always come true.Because there are some laws that you must obey if you wish your dream to come to life.And many dreamers are ignorant of those laws.I call them DIO, the Law Of Dio
James M.Barrie said"Dreams do come true, If we only wish hard enough, you can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it"


Thank you guys for reading my post hope you benefit from it.In the part 2 I will be explaining the Law Of Dio
Your friendly blogger Alen. 

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