Monday 12 January 2015

Hitch Hiking To Riches

Lets Hitch Hike To Riches Part 2

As i have explained previously in the part 1, the best way to your dreams, is the most common path that a lot of people ignore.Its a path of realizing  what you really want, that is your wish, then working for that end.But alot of dreamers dont always get what they want, because they dont have the means or they just werent aware of the rules. Yes, there are always rules unique to each realm. Be it a reality or a dream.
So if you choose to be a dreamer, then you should have the proper tools for the task.In this case you should know how the laws work.I call them the Law Of Dio.


"Setting goal is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible" Tony Robbins
First you should not just wish for something but you should realize what it is that you truly want.What would you settle for, your destination your end goal.If you dont know that then you cant even begin your journey.
A Dreamer must always know where they are headed to. 
What is it that keeps them awake at night?What is it that they truly crave for?
Whenever you are going on a picnic you pack your bags with food, tents and other necessities. Why? because you are going on a journey. Similarly when you want to begin this journey, you should know where you are headed so you can pack accordingly.
"Dream Plan and Set Goals because you wont hit much if you are not even sure what you are aiming for"


"A Dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" Colin Powell
To scale the realm of dreams, you would also need currency.Yup the dreams also cost you if you want to make then true.You got to buy your dreams.The bigger the dreams the larger the toll.
Remember nothing is free in life.Everything has its price.You will have to pay.The more time you invest the more likely your dreams will come to reality.But it also has some other conditions, like being honest and hardworking.
A wise friend once told me "If you find Anatomy hard you should just spend more time".
Ultimately, be it a dream or reality we all always have to invest something.Nothing is Free.In this case you will have to pay with your time.The more time you invest the more you will come closer realizing your destiny.

Tony Gaskins said"If you wont build your dream some one will hire you to help build theirs"


"Good thing come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don't give up"
Success is a Journey not a destination 
A lot of people gets side tracked or demoralized if things don't go their way.If they don't get what they have been struggling so hard for, they tend to despair.Despair is a choice that you make, its all up to you.You can wallow in self pity and despair or you could just stand up, dust yourself and keep walking towards your dream.At the end of the day its your attitude that determines the winner.

Think of yourself as a knight working your way to your dreams.If you stumble and fall does it mean you don't deserve it or its out your reach.Who Decided that?You should stand even taller for those are the wounds of your strength. The scars of battle.You should be proud, that despite being wounded you still kept pushing on.Its not something to sulk for.Its something to be proud of.
Remember the result is never under your control.You may get want you want or something even better.All you can do is to be your own knight and keep pushing on.Like a starved monster craving for food and eventually sooner or later you hit your mark.
"The Harder The Struggle,The More Glorious The Triumph"

This was my view, hope you benefit from it.Your friendly blogger Alen.

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